The Ministry of Justice serves the people of the Republic of Korea by guarding and enforcing the Constitution and laws of the Republic. In addition to rendering legal advice to the President, Prime Minister, and other Ministers, the Ministry supervises the prosecution. It is also in charge of correctional and rehabilitative administration and immigration. The following introduces the history, vision & mission and organization.
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Probation and parole that allow offenders to continue ordinary lives under certain conditions is introduced. The Probation Division took charge of the system.
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The open prison system is introduced to help inmates reintegrate into society by learning independent living skills (Cheonan Open Prison is created).
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Forensic psychiatric institution opens to provide systematic and professional care and rehabilitation training to mentally-ill offenders.
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The Korea Legal Aid Association is reorganized into a special corporation, Korea Legal Aid Corporation.
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The Protection Bureau was established to improve treatment of offenders and to help juvenile offenders get on a healthy path to productive lives.