New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies.

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 첨부 이미지

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 1. Launch of Top-Tier Visa. AS-IS. Lack of incentives for attracting talented individuals in cutting-edge sectors. TO-BE. Reinforcing competitiveness in attracting talented individuals by providing immigration and residence convenience to them and their accompanying families. MOJ will strengthen its competitiveness in securing top talents and encouraging their settlement in Korea by creating visas for attracting talented individuals in cutting-edge sectors and facilitating immigration and residence for the talents and their accompanying families.

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 2. Intensifying support for employment and the settling down of prominent international students. AS-IS. Offering relatively short period for career exploration and limited scope of employment opportunities after graduation. TO-BE. Enhancing utilization of human resources by expanding the duration of job search (from 2 years to a maximum of 3 years) and the range of permitted employment for international students after graduation. (Q4 2024) MOJ will enhance the connections between studying abroad and employment by extending the period for international students to explore career options through programs such as internship after graduation, and broadening the scope of their permitted employment to include non-professional fields.

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 3. Launch of Youth’s Dream in Korea Visa. AS-IS. Insufficient visa policies for discovering foreign youth with high potential. TO-BE. Providing employment, education, and cultural experience opportunities to young people from United Nations member countries that took part in the Korean War and main economic partner states (in sectors such as semiconductor, automobiles). (Q2 2025) Through the creation of Youth’s Dream in Korea Visa, MOJ will increase human exchanges, offering opportunities of employment and cultural experiences to highly capable young people from United Nations member countries that took part in the Korean War and main economic partner states.

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 4. Low-skilled work permission for spouses of skilled-workers. AS-IS. The limited scope of employment for accompanying family members as a hindrance to socioeconomic integration. TO-BE. Supporting stable family-unit stay and integration of skilled workers by allowing low-skilled work for their spouses if requirements are met. (Q4 2024) MOJ will support stable family-unit stay of skilled workers by permitting their spouses to take on low-skilled work in non-professional fields, such as nannies or household helpers, if the spouses meet certain requirements, including Korean proficiency.

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 5. Active Implementation of Region-Based Immigration Policy. AS-IS. Limited number of regions qualifying for the Region-Specialized Visa, along with a lack of visa polices reflecting the unique circumstances of each region. TO-BE. Expanding the eligible for the Region-Specialized Visa to include local governments of Population Decline Watch Regions, and promoting the introduction of a region-tailored ‘Local Government Visa’. MOJ will outline region-based immigration policies that harmoniously consider both regional demand and the national policy direction through the expansion of the eligible for the Region-Specialized Visa and the introduction of the ‘Local Government Visa’, where local governments propose their tailored visa policies.

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 6. Assisting Stay and Independence of Second-Generation Immigrants. AS-IS. Denial of employment for adolescents with foreign nationality, including second-generation immigrants, without college attendance. TO-BE. Granting work visas for immediate employment after high-school graduation, and providing support for education and employment to promote their growth as healthy members of our community.(Q4 2024) MOJ will allow adolescents with foreign nationality, including second-generation immigrants, to switch to work visas after high school graduation without requiring college attendance and will improve policies to enable them to stay and live in Korea with their family members.

New Era of Three Million Foreign Residents! Upgraded Immigration Policies. 7. Removing Discrimination against Overseas Koreans and Supporting Their Stay. AS-IS. Discrimination arising from different application requirements for the Overseas Korean Visa(F-4) by nationality. TO-BE. Gradually integrating the two separate visa pathways for overseas Koreans-the Work and Visit Visa(H-2) and Overseas Korean Visa(F-4)-and expanding scope of permitted occupations for them. (Q4 2024) MOJ will strengthen social integration by eliminating discrimination caused by different visa requirements based on nationality and expanding the scope of their employment opportunities.

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