「과학·기술 우수인재 영주·국적 패스트트랙」제도 개요(설명자료)

「과학·기술 우수인재 영주·국적 패스트트랙」제도 개요(설명자료) 첨부 이미지

소통 플랫폼(“SoTong” Platform 네이버 밴드(NAVER “band”) “Fast-track program for Global Talents in Sci & Tec” Fast-track program for Global Talents in Sci & Tec 과학, 기술 우수인재 영주, 귀화 패스트트랙 맞춤형 지원 서비스 글로벌인재비자센터 042-862-8826

우수인재패스트트랙이란? 과학·기술 우수인재를 적극적으로 발굴·유치하고 맞춤형 지원서비스를 제공하여 신속하게 영주·국적을 부여하는 프로그램 왜? 4차 산업혁명에 대비하여 첨단기술·신소재분야 등 과학·기술 우수 외국인재를 적극적으로 발굴하여 국내 정착 유도 누가? 이공계특성화 대학 및 연구기관 석박사 취득자 또는 졸업예정자 무엇을? 취업없이 거주 허용, 연구지속 시 영주자격 부여, 연구실적 우수자 특별귀화   What is Global Talents Fast-Track Program? A program for discovering talents in science and engineering by offering them customized support services and granting permanent residency and nationality fast. What is the Purpose of This Program? To prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution, discover outstanding foreign talents in science and engineering fields such as high-tech and advanced materials and promote their settlement into Korean society. For Whom? Industrials who are pursuing or have earned a Master’s or Doctor’s degree in science and engineering universities and research institutions. What? Residency visa will be granted even if you are not employed. Permanent residency will be granted if you continue with research activities. Nationality will be granted if yo demonstrate outstanding research activities.

How Does Global Talents Fast-Track Program Work? Phase 1 Residency pursuing or have earned a Master’s or Doctor’s degree in science and engineering universities and research institutions+ letter of recommendation from the president of the home university/institution Phase 2 Permanent Residency have stayed in Korea for years after qualifying for Step 1 + scored enough points under a points-based system(education level, research activities, field of study, income, place of residence, etc.) Phase 3 Naturalization Step 1+ Step 2 + outstanding research activities * What does ‘Research Activities’ Mean? Publishing your these in SCI/SSCI/A&HCI/KCI-indexed journals or acquiring domestic/ international patents What is Different About This Program? In-country residence requirement for obtaining a permanent residency and nationality is reduced from 6 years to 3 years. The pathway to permanent residency and naturalization is shortened from 5 Steps to 3 Steps. After graduation, a residency visa is granted regardless of whether you have a job or not. Also, yo will be provided with tailored support measures that will help yo settle in Korea.

Q&A 우수인재패스트트랙 관련 이공계특성화 기관은 무엇인지? 과학기술정보통신부 산하 공공기관으로서 특별법에 따른 4개 과학기술원 및 과학기술분야 정부출연연구기관 등의 설립·운영 및 육서엥 관한 법률 제33조의2에 따른 대학원대학 가족과 함께 국내에서 체류하는 것이 가능한지? 1단계 거주자격을 취득하는 경우, 해당 자격을 유지하는 동안 배우자 및 미성년 자녀도 함께 거주 자격 부여, 2단계 영주자격을 취득한 후에는 배우자 및 미성년 자녀도 함꼐 영주자격부여 3단계 귀화를 한 후에는 원래의 국적을 포기하여햐 하는지? 일반적인 경우 대한민국 국적을 취득한 외국인은 1년내에 원래의 국적을 포기하여야 하지만, 우수인재로서 특별 귀화한 경우에는 복수국적 유지가 가능(외국국적포기 의무 면제)  Q&A What are science and engineering specialized universities and research institutes related Global talents fast track? There are 4 public institutions that are affiliated to the Ministry of Science and ICT. There are also graduate university that is established under Article 33 of Operation and Fostering of Government-Funded Science and Technology Research Institute as well. Is it possible to reside with family members in Korea? When a personnel has obtained stage 1 residential qualification, while continuation of the qualification, spouse and kinship are also eligible to reside. In stage 2 qualification, spouse and kinship are also granted permanent residency. Is it required to renounce former nationality after stage 3 naturalization? In ordinary situations, foreigners who have obtain Korean nationality must renounce former nationality. However, when an excellent personnel has obtained Korea nationality through this system, dual-nationality is allowed.(obligation of renunciation of foreign nationality is excused)

2022년 법무부 적극행정 우수사례 2022-11-02 09:16:37.0
외국인 계절근로자의 인권 보호 강화 방안 마련 2022-11-18 17:36:27.0
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